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150 VA 190-2700 nm PbS Detector 5300-22 78657 $27,428 15-19 Days2
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190-1600 nm InGaAs Detector 7067-J054A 5300-23 78658 $28,463 15-19 Days3
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Custom-configured product. Contact Lab Equip by phone, chat or email for a project-specific quote.
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Product Details
Product Details
  • UV-Vis/NIR double beam Spectrophotometers with single monochromator and dual gratings
  • Applications: absorbance, transmittance or reflectance measurements including liquids and solids
  • V-770 model with a wavelength range from 190-2700 nm include a PbS detector
  • V-780 model with a wavelength range from 190-1600 nm include an InGaAs detector
  • Wavelength Extension Kit (#6904-J101A) for V-770 model enables reach of 3200 nm wavelength
  • High-sensitivity PMT and variable spectral band-width
  • High-speed scanning: up to 4,000 nm/min.
  • Preview mode scanning speed: 8,000 nm/min.
  • Stray Light: 0.005% (UV-visible) to 0.04% (NIR on V-770) and 0.04% (NIR on V-780)
  • Features on all models: reduced noise and stray light with sophisticated electronic and optical design, fast scanning without wavelength tracking errors, dark correction with stray light reduction, reliable peak assignment, user-friendly operation, analog output, IQ start button provides comprehensive validation to USP, EP and JP
  • Light Source: Halogen lamp, Deuterium lamp (Light source exchange wavelength: Between 330 and 350 nm)
  • Photometric accuracy (Tested with NIST SRM 930):
  • Baseline Stability: ±0.0003 Abs/hour
  • Accessories (inquire for pricing and additional information): Automatic Peltier Multi-Cell Holders, Peltier Thermostatted Single Cell Holders, Constant Temperature Cell Holders/Cell Changers, Liquid and Film Cell Holders/Cell Changers, Temperature Control Accessories, Micro-Volume Liquid Transmission Cell Holders, Optical Fiber Units, Integrating Spheres, Absolute Reflectance, Specular Reflectance, Autosampler, Sippers, Flow Cells, Spectra Manager Software Suite, iRM-1000 Intelligent Remote Module, Standard Measurement Programs, Optional Programs
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