1.5-Gallon BenchBin with a spring lid ideal for disposal of pipette tips, small tubes and gloves; starter kit with 400 autoclave bags #A8401-SK available1.5-Gallon BenchBin Benchtop Biohazard Bin by MTC Bio, A8401B
MTC Bio Extra-Large 23-Gallon Biohazard Bin for disposal of infectious or contaminated waste features a foot-pedal operated lid, bag notch hooks; A8002B | 5705-94 displayed23-Gallon Biohazard Bin by MTC Bio, A8002B
13-Gallon Biohazard Bin by MTC Bio with a touchless operated lid for quick disposal of hazardous waste compatible with BowTie Biohazard Bag; A8000B | 5705-95 displayed13-Gallon Biohazard Bin by MTC Bio, A8000B
1.5-Gallon BenchBin with a spring lid ideal for disposal of pipette tips, small tubes and gloves; starter kit with 400 autoclave bags #A8401-SK available1.5-Gallon BenchBin Benchtop Biohazard Bin by MTC Bio, A8401B
MTC Bio Extra-Large 23-Gallon Biohazard Bin for disposal of infectious or contaminated waste features a foot-pedal operated lid, bag notch hooks; A8002B | 5705-94 displayed23-Gallon Biohazard Bin by MTC Bio, A8002B