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Product Details

  • 90 degree cleanroom passthrough design provides additional versatility for unique space constraints
  • L-shape passthrough can be installed in tight corner walls, with door swings in either direction
  • Smart® electronic door interlock is externally housed for smooth, easy-to-clean internal surfaces
  • Obstruction free interior, lipless edges, radius corners, continuous welds for strict disinfection
  • Countless add-on capabilities: automatic doors, access security systems, UV disinfection, and more
  • Terra’s Smart® pass-through allows versatile door configurations, including adjacent doors positioned at 90° angles (L-shape chambers), plus other custom door swing configurations such as 3-door designs (T-shape chambers), and 4-door designs (X-shape chambers).
  • Compatibility with Other Smart Accessories:
  • The 90°-Turn Smart® pass-through configuration can be combined with any other Smart® pass-through accessories as part of a custom order.
  • Installation Notes:
  • Please speak with a Terra representative to discuss how the Smart® pass-through can be customized to fit your specific requirements.
  • Be sure to provide the sales engineer with as much information as possible regarding the installation location.
  • 90 degree pass-through chambers can be designed with the isolated interlock on the inside or outside of the 90° bend, which changes the direction of the door-opening to suit the workspace.
  • In some cases, the opposite side of a wall may be inaccessible and the pass-through must be divided into two sections in order to facilitate installation.
  • The mounting brackets also may have to be adapted to allow insertion of the Smart Pass-through into the wall cut-outs.
  • A 90°-turn Smart® pass-through cannot utilize the CleanMount® system found on the standard Smart® pass-through. External fasteners will be required to mount the pass-through to the wall (likely in addition to support brackets installed underneath the pass-through chamber).


Marks & Listings: UL, ULC

  • Smart Cleanroom Pass-Through with 90 Degree Corner and HEPA Filtration Smart Cleanroom Pass-Through with 90 Degree Corner and HEPA Filtration
  • Cleanroom passthrough chamber with 3 interlocking doors for USP 800 hazardous compounding Smart® Pass-Through with "T" Shape 3-Door Design for USP 800 Hazardous Compounding
  • this video shows how the hands-free operation of the automatic pass-through door minimizes the potential for touch contamination Hands-Free, Automatic Pass-Through Door
  • Smart Cleanroom Pass-Through Chamber with Models Smart Pass-Through Chamber, 24"W x 24"D x 24"H
Smart Cleanroom Pass-Through with 90 Degree Corner and HEPA Filtration
Cleanroom passthrough chamber with 3 interlocking doors for USP 800 hazardous compounding
this video shows how the hands-free operation of the automatic pass-through door minimizes the potential for touch contamination
Smart Cleanroom Pass-Through Chamber with Models

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  • FasTrak 24/7 provides a 24/7 commitment to meet the shipping date YOU specify, regardless of quoted lead times.
  • FasTrak 24/7 assigns a dedicated production team plus a dedicated senior expeditor working three shifts to meet your delivery specification.
  • FasTrak 24/7 guarantees* to meet the agreed-to specified ship date.

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 * Terra's FasTrak services limited guarantee: to ship on the ESD or date specified OR to refund up to 100% of FasTrak charges. This guarantee covers no direct, special, consequential or other damages and is strictly limited to up to 100% of the amount paid for FasTrak service. When a specified ship date is missed due to factors outside Terra's control (vendor performance, deliveries by shipping companies, etc.) and random factors such as accidents, the credit of up to 100% of the FasTrak 24/7 may not apply. FasTrak service requested after order placement will be quoted and accepted based on available time remaining before required ship date.