- (714) 578-6016
Hours Mon - Fri, 07:00 AM - 06:00 PM (Pacific Time)
Dynascan fixed mirror-pair interferometer for error compensation eliminates the need for dynamic alignment OpticsGuard technology protects the instrument from humidity during operation in more demanding environments and increasing the time between maintenance cycles; long-life desiccant for maximum instrument uptime.
Atmospheric Vapor Compensation™ (AVC) compensate CO2 and H2 in real-time to ensure instrument reliability across multiple measurements.
Optional Absolute Virtual Instrument (AVI) uses gas phase spectra for accurate calibration, standardizes (to a higher degree of accuracy) wavenumber and line shape for precise transfer between instruments side-by-side or remote locations.
Temperature-stabilized, high-performance DTGS (deuterated triglycine sulfate) MIR detector with a SNR of 14,500:1. Ideal for low-light, high throughput applications
Absolute Virtual Instrument™ (AVI) allows standardization of instruments via a gas spectra reference for increased inter-equipment and inter-site reliability
Automatic Performance Verification features an integrated, fully automatic filter wheel with traceable reference materials and ZnSe windows, for data collection over a spectral range of 6,000-550 cm-1 highly humid environments.
Fourier-Transformation Infrared (FTIR) Spectroscopy is used in a host of applications from quality control to polymer research. FTIR scans a solid, liquid, or gas to determine a unique molecular fingerprint. Application pack add-ons are available; inquire for pricing and product details.