Your water system purchase should be based on facts, not guesses or estimations. That’s why we offer the W.A.T.E.R. testing program to analyze your water needs before you purchase anything. Not all water systems are created equal. Some system cartridges have less capacity than others, meaning an increased operating cost for you. We’ll not only analyze your water and recommend a system, but we’ll tell you what your annual operating costs will be with that system.
x Frequency of vibration at work surface u Frequency of vibration at floor T (Transmissibility) = x/u
The most common type of vibration isolator is the pneumatic isolator, which contains a sealed and pressurized air volume and movable piston. A rolling diaphragm membrane provides an airtight seal between the isolator and the piston. Compressed air pushes against the piston to support the system static load. Damping is provided by forcing air to move between chambers through one or more small orifices and/or a pendulum rod within a viscous damper.
Simply stated, the key to isolating vibration is to develop vibration isolators that attain the lowest possible natural frequency with the best isolation possible. The lower the natural frequency, the greater the ability of the isolation table to resist a disturbing frequency (resulting from loud noises, traffic, falling objects, etc.).
fn - Natural Frequency fg - Crossover Frequency
Natural frequency is the rate of movement (in cycles per second) at which a mass-spring system will vibrate if it is disturbed. The damping mechanism in the system will eventually damp out these oscillations.
As long as the disturbing frequency is higher than the natural frequency, the surface will isolate the vibration. When disturbing frequencies approach and then fall below the natural frequency, however, the isolators in the vibration table will amplify the disturbing frequency, increasing the vibration of the work surface.
Vibration isolation effectiveness is demonstrated graphically by a transmissibility curve which plots the ratio of system motions to ground motion as a function of frequency. In the transmissibility curve shown, the crossover frequency is the frequency at which the motion of the isolated system is the same as the floor motion (transmissibility = 1).
For optimal results, then, the desirable characteristics of a pneumatic isolator are a low natural frequency, a low amplification at resonance, and a fast roll-off of vibration transmission at higher frequencies. These are precisely the characteristics engineered into our line of passive vibration isolation tables and platforms.
Any disturbing force with a higher frequency will be isolated; the pneumatic isolator will transmit only a small fraction of the floor vibration to the isolated system. This isolation efficiency approaches 99.9%, depending on the load and the disturbing frequency.
Allowable vibration in semiconductor facilities (in µm/sec rms)