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Static Hold Time

Liquid Nitrogen Capacity


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Terra Part #Price Ships in
Benchtop Aluminum 33.3 days 5 L No Thermo Flask TY509X1 4901-36 44037 $1,310 5-7 Days2
Ships Free Free shipping in contiguous USA In stock
Benchtop Aluminum 55.6 days 10 L No Thermo Flask TY509X2 4901-37 44040 $1,375 5-7 Days3
Ships Free Free shipping in contiguous USA In stock
Benchtop Aluminum 111 days 20 L No Thermo Flask TY509X3 4901-38 44041 $1,648 5-7 Days4
Ships Free Free shipping in contiguous USA In stock
Benchtop Aluminum 145 days 32 L No Thermo Flask TY509X4 4901-39 44042 $1,929 5-7 Days5
Ships Free Free shipping in contiguous USA In stock
Static Hold Time
Liquid Nitrogen Capacity
Low Liquid Nitrogen Alarm
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Custom-configured product. Contact Lab Equip by phone, chat or email for a project-specific quote.
Custom-configured product. Contact Lab Equip by phone, chat or email for a project-specific quote.
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Product Details
Product Details
  • Small neck opening ensures low static evaporation rates
  • Lightweight aluminum design allows for easier handling
  • Compact 5L and 10L dewars feature a convenient, pail-style handle for smooth pouring
  • Static holding times vary by model, from 33 days (Thermo 5) up to 145 days (Thermo 30)
  • Optional self-pressurized dispensing device for safe, easy withdrawal of LN2 (not compatible with Thermo 5)
  • Wheeled accessory cart available for the larger 20L and 32L models
  • Optional 12mL dipper extracts small amounts of liquid nitrogen for benchtop applications
Available Accessories
Popular Accessories
For a full list of accessories, select a product then click Choose Accessories on that product page.
  • LN2 Withdrawal Device

    As an alternative to pouring, Thermo’s Liquid Nitrogen Withdrawal Device safely dispenses up to 8L/min. from the transfer vessel using self-pressurization.
  • 12mL Dipper for Cryogenics

    When working with liquid nitrogen in small quantities and with open-face vessels, use the 12mL dipper to transfer small amounts of liquid nitrogen out of the storage vessels.
  • Wheeled Accessory Carts

    These 5" high, low-profile carts are also compatible with other Thermo Scientific cryogenic vessels.
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