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Voltage Amplification Method Plate Capacity Plug Type Block Capacity Table with qPCRSoft Gradient Function Manufacturer SKU Price Ships inStocked
115 V Real-Time PCR 3 x 30 US Plug 96 Well Yes No 846-4-070-720 $14,53710-14 Days
115 V Real-Time PCR 3 x 48 US Plug 2 x 48 Well Yes No 846-4-070-724 $14,53710-14 Days
115 V Real-Time PCR 3 x 48 US Plug 96 Well Yes No 846-4-070-723 $14,53710-14 Days
230 V Real-Time PCR 3 x 48 US Plug 96 Well Yes No 846-2-070-723 $12,94210-16 Days


  • Three independent sample blocks amplify reactions in parallel
  • Economical, quiet operation (operates at 45 dB)
  • Suitable for routine lab work as well as complex PCR optimization
  • Controls sample block temperature without under- or over-shooting programmed target temperature
  • High Performance Smart Lid (HPSL) Technology uses predefined pressure control for highly reproducible conditions
  • Temperature Optimization Step (TOS) technology determines optimal primer annealing temperature
  • Linear Gradient Tool for easy gradient programming using the primer annealing temperature
  • Fast Ramping with heating and cooling rates up to 4°C/sec.
  • Sealed sample block prevents condensation from contacting instrument components
  • Low noise emission of max. 45 dB

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Terra's mission is to help customers in highly regulated industries transform the world with critical environment solutions that improve health, safety, performance, and yields. These environments may comply with stringent UL, ISO, IEST, ASTM and OSHA standards and local requirements.
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