5102-PP-02 72167
Spectrum Two™ FTIR Spectrometers by PerkinElmer
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Manufactured By: Perkin Elmer
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- Portable Spectrum Two FTIR Spectrometers by PerkinElmer ideal for everyday analysis in onsite and remote testing environments
- Low maintenance spectrometer available as a standard unit or with a Peltier stabilized detector
- Ideal for QA and QC analysis in pharma labs, nutraceuticals, waste water monitoring and academia
- Provides fast and accurate infrared analysis of sample identity, composition, quality and consistency
- Features: optical system with KBr windows for data collection, Dynascan interferometer, OpticsGuard technology, Atmospheric Vapor Compensation (AVC) and Sigma-Delta Conversion for accurate, reproducible results by improving dynamic range, reducing spectral artifacts and increasing ordinate linearity
- Includes: Spectrum Touch software
- Detector: LiTaO3 (lithium tantalate) MIR detector with a SNR of 9,300:1
- Operating Range: 5 - 45 °C
- Wavelength: 8
- Signal-to-noise ratio: 9,300:1 (LiTaO3 detector), 14,500:1 (Peltier stabilized detector)
- Wavelength Length Range: 8,300 - 350 cm-1
- Modes: ratio, single-beam and interferogram
- Accessories and Options: Portability Pack, Universal ATR Sampling, HATR Sampling, Portability Options, Training Software, Documentation, Services and Warranties, Spectrum 10 ES software.
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