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DNA Bacteria/Fungi 10 Reactions 1 Sample innuSPEED 845-KS-1510010 $805-7 Days Stocked
DNA Bacteria/Fungi 50 Reactions 1 Sample innuSPEED 845-KS-1510050 $3355-7 Days Stocked
DNA Bacteria/Fungi 250 Reactions 1 Sample innuSPEED 845-KS-1510250 $1,2815-7 Days Stocked
DNA Plant 10 Reactions 1 Sample innuSPEED 845-KS-1560010 $855-7 Days Stocked
DNA Plant 50 Reactions 1 Sample innuSPEED 845-KS-1560050 $3365-7 Days Stocked
DNA Plant 250 Reactions 1 Sample innuSPEED 845-KS-1560250 $1,3465-7 Days Stocked
DNA Soil 10 Reactions 1 Sample innuSPEED 845-KS-1580010 $895-7 Days Stocked
DNA Soil 50 Reactions 1 Sample innuSPEED 845-KS-1580010 $3345-7 Days Stocked
DNA Soil 250 Reactions 1 Sample innuSPEED 845-KS-1580250 $1,3335-7 Days Stocked
DNA Stool 10 Reactions 1 Sample innuSPEED 845-KS-1570010 $1065-7 Days Stocked
DNA Stool 50 Reactions 1 Sample innuSPEED 845-KS-1570050 $4215-7 Days Stocked
DNA Stool 250 Reactions 1 Sample innuSPEED 845-KS-1570250 $1,6825-7 Days Stocked
DNA Tissue 10 Reactions 1 Sample innuSPEED 845-KS-1540010 $845-7 Days Stocked
DNA Tissue 50 Reactions 1 Sample innuSPEED 845-KS-1540050 $3495-7 Days Stocked
DNA Tissue 250 Reactions 1 Sample innuSPEED 845-KS-1540250 $1,3335-7 Days Stocked


  • innuSPEED DNA Isolation Kits by Analytik Jena are compatible with SpeedMill PLUS and other homogenizers
  • Kits contain all of the required reagents and consumables for isolating highly-pure DNA from tissues, plants, soil, bacteria, fungi and stool samples
  • Ready-to-use kits efficiently provide high yields for any downstream application
  • Allows homogenization and lysis to take place in the same Lysis Tube
  • Included: optimized lysis tubes to break down hard and compact starting materials
  • Choose from 10, 50 or 250 reactions
  • innuSPEED Tissue DNA Isolation Kit: Tissue samples (up to 50 mg), biopsies, cartilaginous material (such as rodent tails), dried samples and insects
  • innuSPEED Plant DNA Isolation Kit: Leaves, stems, roots, flowers, and other plant tissues (100 mg)
  • innuSPEED Soil DNA Isolation Kit: Soil samples (100 - 250 mg)
  • innuSPEED Bacteria/Fungi DNA Isolation Kit: Gram+ bacteria); fungal spores; yeasts
  • innuSPEED Stool DNA Isolation Kit: 200-400 µg of solid stool samples, 200-400 µl of liquid stool samples, fresh or frozen samples
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