Benchtop bead-based homogenizers by Benchmark Scientific, Analytik Jena and Next Advance are available in a range of capacities and effectively grind and homogenize various tough samples. Select models with memory storage function.
CO-2 resistant shakers, for use in 95% humidity and carbon-dioxide rich environments, are incubator and cold room safe. Universal and dedicated platforms are available.
Provides a wash of micro-filtered air to dislodge and remove particles
Horizontal Gel
Horizontal electrophoresis systems separate nucleic acids based on size; samples are run through an agarose gel with large pores to create bands of similarly sized molecules.
Plate Cooler
Plate coolers are ideal for use in PCR workstations. Dry baths with a plate cooler keep samples cool and safe from degradation due to temperature fluctuations.
Handheld Homogenizer
Handheld Homogenizers such as the D1000 by Benchmark Scientific are ideal for homogenizing, emulsifying, suspending and disrupting softer tissues, bacterial cultures and biological samples.
Multi-block dry heaters are compatible with compact, digital and touch screen dry baths. Select models are interchangeable and are available with heat insulators and lids.
Plate Reader
Select from microplate absorbance readers or multimode microplate readers; low cost, small footprint microplate absorbance readers quickly image ELISA, protein and nucleic assays; multimode readers detect absorbance, fluorescence, luminescence in a single run
Paddle Blender
Paddle blenders eliminate contaminating samples by rapidly striking the sterile bags, producing thorough mixing and homogenization without directly contacting samples.
Powder Buffer
Electrophoresis powder buffers formula
Plate Washer
Wash, rinse and dispense liquids into 48, 96, and 384 well microplates; achieve fast and repeatable automated microplate processing.
General Purpose
General-purpose shakers are available with a variety of dedicated and universal platforms, clamps and adapter plates.
Shaking dry baths are available with digital heating and cooling, interval shaking and chilling/ heating capabilities. Models are ideal for use with DNA extraction and enzymatic reactions.
Single Block
Single block heaters, ideal in low throughput labs, are compatible with versatile dry baths from Thermo Fisher Scientific, Vitl, Benchmark Scientific and more.
Incubating shakers control temperature during shaking procedures. Select models are stackable and feature a HEPA filter.
Ultraviolet Chamber uses UV-C bulbs and reflective walls for 360° exposure
Low-speed shakers provide gentle, orbital motion for sensitive gels and blots. Models ideal for blot hybridization and washing, staining and de-staining of gels.
Microplate shakers accommodate the unique footprint of microplates and PCR plates ideal for labs conducting high-throughput molecular biology assays or ELISAs.