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EchoTherm Model IC30 Heavy-Duty Chilling and Heating Dry Bath
Benchmark Scientific myBath Digital Water Baths
SB-12L Shaking Water Bath 15mL Tube Capacity
#9 011 327 with Polycarbonate bath tank | 2541-06 displayedCirculator; Polycarbonate Tank, 27L Capacity, CORIO™, Open Heating Bath, C-BT27, Julabo, 120V
This myBlock™ Digital Dry Bath includes a transparent, hinged lid to insulate samples when closed and a dual position model for two dry blocks | 2818-09 displayedmyBlock II Dual Block Digital Dry BathsDesigned as single- or dual-position models, myBlock™ Digital Dry Baths are the first digital dry baths with advanced microprocessor controls, timed or continuous operation, and a removable hinged lid.
Two isolated chambers maintain independent time and temperature control | 2829-49 displayedIsoBlock, 115 V, with US plug, without blocks
The EchoTherm™ Model IC30 Dry Bath chills and heats biological samples from -10 degrees C to 100 degrees C with precise control | 5005-06 displayedEchoTherm Model IC30 Heavy-Duty Chilling and Heating Dry BathThe IC30 has simple digital controls and a two line alphanumeric digital display that is backlit for easy reading. The display normally shows the target and actual temperatures. Additionally, it is used to display the target and actual temperatures and the count down timer.
Benchmark Scientific myBath digital water bath is designed for heating reagents and samples in uniform conditionsBenchmark Scientific myBath Digital Water BathsThis compact, personal water bath, designed for heating reagents and samples, has a high-efficiency insulation for maintaining temperature stability and uniformity.
SB-12L Shaking Water Bath by Benchmark Scientific offers an optional tube rack for 0.5 and 1.5/2.0mL tubes | 2827-PP-01 displayedSB-12L Shaking Water Bath 15mL Tube CapacitySB-12L Shaking Water Baths by Benchmark Scientific include a spring-loaded platform that holds 15 and 50mL conical tubes (shown with 15mL tubes)
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